Friday 16 January 2015

Pics: Annie Idibia & Ini Edo stylish as they land Akwa-Ibom airport

The ladies who are both from Akwa-Ibom landed in the state this morning for a political campaign. Annie shared the photos on instagram.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Pics: New R&B singer has more hips than Kim K and erm, he's man!

Micah is an up-coming R&B singer, he's 20 and has a great voice if you watch some of his videos. Only thing is, he has more hips and ass than Kim K, K.Michelle, Nicki Minaj and every other big booty female you can think of. How the heck did this happen? How can a man have all that hips and butt? See his photos after the cut...

 He's on instagram as @regalias_mimi94

House of Reps approves use of temporary voters card in February election

House of Reps today approved the use of the Temporary voters card during next month's general elections. Their position was made known in a series of tweets by Femi Gbajabiamila, the Minority Whip of the House. 

Pics: Jilted wife 'chops off husband's penis twice after catching him cheating

A jilted wife in China has been arrested after she allegedly chopped off her cheating husband's penis twice. According to reports in China, two-timing dad-of-five Fan Lung, 32, used his wife's phone to send lover Zhang Hung, 21, a saucy email from his marital home in Shangqiu. But he forgot to log out of his account and his stunned wife, Feng, 30, came across the message along with several others, which sent her flying into a rage.

Furious, she's said to have grabbed a pair of scissors and stormed into their bedroom, where he was sleeping, and snipped off his manhood. Fan was rushed to hospital, where the organ was sewn back on.

Bloody: Fan fought with his wife outside the hospital after his penis was chopped off
However, Feng is then reported to have sneaked back into her husband's hospital room and cut off his penis for a second time, this time throwing it out of a window.

A hospital spokesman said: "The first we were aware of what happened was when someone came into the reception area to say a naked man was beating up a woman outside the hospital.
"Staff rushed out to see what was happening and found the patient with blood streaming down his legs hitting the woman.
"He was stopped and the woman was taken in for treatment, and then we discovered she had chopped his penis off again."

Doctors and police officers combed the area outside but failed to find the man’s missing member. They believed it may have been taken by a stray dog or cat.

The hospital spokesman added: "The man had lost a lot of blood and was taken in for emergency surgery.

"He is now in a stable condition but is extremely emotionally distraught."
Fan’s lover who arrived at the hospital said she planned to marry him as soon as she could.
She said: "It doesn’t matter that he’s lost his fertility, he has five children already."
Fan’s wife Feng was discharged and is now under arrest for grievous bodily harm.

Why are international media houses reluctant to carry Charlie Hebdo new mag cover?

French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, who lost 10 of their staff members last week Wednesday Jan. 7th in a terror attack, unveiled the cover of their new edition today January 13th which has a drawing of a weeping Prophet Muhammad holding up a sign that reads “Je suis Charlie.”, with tagline “all is forgiven,” but I noticed that most international media houses, including CNN, Daily Mail, BBC, Mirror and more refused to carry the cover but talked about the issue..

Because them no carry am, me sef I fear to carry But why though? Why are they all reluctant to carry it? Meanwhile, the mag said they are planning to release 3million copies of the new issue. Readers of Mail Online, BBC and others are blasting them for refusing to carry the cover. See some of their comments after the cut...

"Never thought I would see the day when the French are heroes and the BBC and Daily Mail are trembling like little girls."
"DM why on earth have you not posted the cover yet? You're not usually the ones afraid to tell it like it is."

"DM is a disgrace - where's the cover?"

"So where is it? Gutless lot......."

"The daily mail is either pandering to the politically correct for fear of causing offence, or, it's running scared and has been BEATEN by the terrorists. Which is it?"

"Just like the politicians, lots of words no actions. When marching the other day it would have been better if they had all marched holding up posters of Charlie Hebdo's cartoons. Now that's standing shoulder to shoulder! DM publish you cowards."
"You've published the article without the picture that the article is about. Not very Je Suis Charlie. Shame on you."
"Go look at The Guardian, a paper with the guts to print it."

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