Tuesday 25 November 2014

Billionaire says US won’t have another black president for generations

Donald Trump blamed this on President Barack Obama saying that he has done a poor job in leading the nation.
  • Published: 8:37
Billionaire Donald Trump (pictured left) has said that America won't have another black president for generations because of the poor job done by Barack Obama (pictured right)play
Billionaire Donald Trump (pictured left) has said that America won't have another black president for generations because of the poor job done by Barack Obama (pictured right)
 (F Investissements)
American billionaire, Donald Trump has said that the US won’t have another black president for generations.
Trump blamed this on President Barack Obama saying that he has done a poor job in leading the nation.
The billionaire spoke his mind via Twitter:
“President Obama has absolutely no control (or respect) over the African American community-they have fared so poorly under his presidency.”
“Our country is totally fractured and, with our weak leadership in Washington, you can expect Ferguson type riots and looting in other places.”
“Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!”
“As China and the rest of the World continue to rip off the U.S. economically, they laugh at us and our president over the riots in Ferguson!”
“Despite having a black president, the racial divide seems greater than it has in decades. If Obama were a leader, this would not be the case.”
Trump has previously tackled Obama calling him a “psycho” and "a total mad man" over his handling of the Ebola crisis.

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