Friday 5 December 2014

Kendra Wilkinson Threatens to Smash a Trophy Over Hank Baskett's Head: 'You Ain't No Father Anymore, Motherf--ker, It's Divorce Time!'

The plot [bleepin] thickens!
Kendra on Top: The Untold Story Part 1, premiering tomorrow on WEtv at 9 p.m. was apparently brought to us by the letter "F" because Kendra Wilkinson has no qualms about letting the F-word (and other choice words) fly while taking husband Hank Baskett to task for confiding in his friend Kyle about their ongoing marital drama.
In this exclusive sneak peek at Friday's show, Kendra again rips into the father of her two children about tabloid reports that he cheated on her with a transsexual woman, reports that Hank still refers to in this clip as "accusations and rumors."
Hank Baskett E! Entertainment
"Man to man?" she scoffs, referring to Hank's recent heart-to-heart with Kyle, during an argument at their home. "Man to [bleep] that's what you are. If you didn't do it, then what did you do? Because these rumors just don't appear out of nowhere!"
Then, during one of the special's interview segments, Kendra accuses Hank of coming home "like his s--t didn't stink." "Really, that's what I was thinking?...Nothing affects me?" Hank counters.
"Back to perfect, dull Hank," she complains.
Back to the house, then, where Kendra is full-on screaming at Hank, "Get the f--k out of here, no one f--king believes you." When he tries to get a word in, she adds, "Your kids are gonna suffer" (from embarrassment, she means)."
"I have stood by you through everything," he insists. "You're blaming this on me..."
"F--k you, hypocrite," she screams, multiple times.
"When Kendra gets backed into a corner or someone attacks her, she fights dirty," Hank explains to the camera in a different scene. "Whenever she walked in and found out about me telling Kyle, she started swinging below the belt and then, when she picked up that trophy, there was just a part of me that just closed my eyes and said, 'hit me.'"
Sure enough, cut to Kendra holding a trophy that apparently was given to Hank as an honor for being a great husband and father.
Kendra Wilkinson-baskettE! Entertainment
"This is gone!" she yells. "F--k you! I'll smash this over your head, you [bleep]."
Back to the interview, where Kendra tells Hank, "You had no care in the world. Here I am, sitting there, in f--king pain and misery and you're coming in, like, not giving a s--t, thinking life is back in f--king order again."
"I'm at the lowest of low in my life," Hank laments, "and you think everything's perfect just because I walk in the house?!"
Back to the house, where Kendra tells him to leave in no uncertain terms: "Get out of here. World's greatest husband? Father? You ain't no father no more, motherf--ker, it's divorce time!"
Back to the interview, where Hank... Well, watch the clip to see even more of this heated fight (trust us, there's plenty left to see) and find out what Hank does as Kendra continues to voice her, um...displeasure with their situation. It's a doozy!

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